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Race for Redemption Page 5
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Page 5
“Considering you are not supposed to be in my car I have no sympathy for you. Explain, Westbrook,” Tracey demanded.
“I will just as soon as you get us out of the parking lot. I suggest you make a move if you don’t want us to be spotted by anyone,” Shane smiled.
Tracey could have smacked the arrogance off of Shane face. “Where are we going? If you think I’m taking you back to my hotel room with me, you have another think coming.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetness. We’re going to my place,” he smirked.
Tracey sat, open-mouthed; looking at the handsome man sitting next to her as if he’d clearly lost his mind. Then she did the only thing she could think of doing. She burst out laughing.
Now it was Shane’s turn to scowl. “What’s so funny?”
“You are, if you think I’m going to your home,” she said in between gales of laughter.
“I’m serious, Tracey,” he said firmly.
The tone of his voice got her attention…her laughter died on her lips.
“Excuse you,” she eyed him.
“Please. I need to talk to you,” he said seriously.
“Didn’t we agree that last night was it until after the races?” she said.
“No, I don’t think so,” he said, obviously lying. “You agreed. I just sort of went along with you at the time. I had every intention of doing just that until I saw you in Delores’ office earlier. Listen, can we just go? I almost passed out waiting in this damn sardine can.”
“You should have thought about that before you jumped in my car,” she chastised.
“I wasn’t thinking then,” he mumbled.
“Humph you got that right,” she murmured. “Where to?”
“Just go left and around the bend and out of the parking lot,” he said.
“I didn’t come in this way. Do you know some special way of getting out of here?” she asked.
“It’s not special, just the back way. I don’t want to take the risk of running into reporters. I’m taking you the local way to my home. I hardly ever take this way but I figure this is the best way if we don’t want reporters or nosey people following your car,” he said.
“Well won’t they recognize me this way as well?” she asked still driving.
“Not really,” he murmured. “It’s race week. Different cars come through all the time. But they’d surely recognize my car, and that is why we are in yours.” He smiled.
“Where is your car?” she asked with a frown.
“I drove in with Adam. My car is at home.”
“How did you know my car anyway?”
“I have my ways,” he smirked.
“Are you going to tell me how you got into my car?” she asked.
“Why not? What if someone else takes that same liberty?”
“They won’t. Trust me,” he growled. “Make a right at the first stoplight.”
“How do you know that? You did,” she said.
“I just know. Go about a half mile and take a left at the second stop sign,” he grumbled.
“Surely you’re not upset?” she leered as she followed Shane’s directions.
“I’m having a special mechanism installed in your car as soon as possible,” he said.
“No you’re not. Neither my car nor I will be around here long enough for you to do that.” She smiled, clearly relishing his frustrations. Good that’ll teach him not to break into my car again.
“Yes you will,” he eyed her knowingly.
“No I won’t,” she shot back.
“We will see. Watch where you’re going you’re about to miss the turn,” he said.
With a heavy sigh, Tracey followed Shane directions. She noticed that the area to which he took her was very secluded with lots of trees and a house only every other mile or so. Had it not been for the spectacular homes they passed she would have surely thought they were in the woodland…very rural. A thought occurred to her.
“Shane I am never going to find my way out of here,” she remarked quietly, looking at the area in question.
“Yes, you will because I am going to guide you out. No worries,” he said.
“How much further do we have to go?”
“We still have a ways to go.”
“Really? Just where do you live?”
“You’ll see,” he said and smiled.
It was a half-hour longer before they entered a winding drive to pull up in front of a wrought iron gate. Shane used a handheld device to open it.
“Wow I would have thought you lived in a bachelor type place. Nothing this extravagant,” she said in awe.
“I used to. I bought this place a few years back. I wanted a place to call home. I’ve been racing since forever. I figured it was time to plant some roots somewhere,” he said with a sense of pride in his voice. “It was blasted everywhere when I purchased it. I’m surprised you didn’t know about it.”
“Guess I wasn’t paying attention,” she murmured.
“I guess not,” he said dryly. “Pull up to the house and I’ll pull the car into the port after I let you inside.”
Tracey pulled up in front of the enormous house and put the car in park without shutting it off. She watched in slow motion as Shane opened the door and practically crawled out, hitting a few buttons on whatever that was he had in his hand, and then walking around to her side of the car, opening the door and helping her out.
Tracey walked beside him in silence as he opened the door to his home and ushered her inside to the spacious entryway. She was still in awe. Granted, her parents had a spectacular home but she’d never in a million years have thought that Shane would have a place so grand. Most racers lived out of motor coaches and hotels…she did. Well most of the time. She owned a ranch-styled condominium outside of D.C. which suited her just fine since she was hardly ever there. Tracey mostly hung out in Atlanta with Sam at her home.
“Why are you just standing there? Have a seat while I put your car away,” Shane said giving her a little push inside.
“Ah…sit where?” she whispered.
“Anywhere you please. If you want I will give you a look around the place,” he chuckled. “You appear to be shocked that I actually live in a home.”
“Well, yeah,” she murmured her eyes darting from one side of the room to the other.
“Since you are determined not to move I’ll show you to a seat,” Shane chuckled, steering her in the direction of the kitchen and guiding her to a barstool-like chair at the kitchen island.
“Thank you,” Tracey said eyeing the spacious kitchen and noticing that stainless steel pots and pans that appeared to have never been used hung from the ceiling. They were probably for show she thought.
“Umm hmm,” Shane said, “I’ll be right back. There are cold drinks in the Frigidaire if you want something,” and then turned and left her sitting there.
Tracey continued to stare at her surroundings for a few more minutes before sighing deeply. “What am I doing here?” she murmured, and then started as her phone began to vibrate in her pocket. She quickly retrieved it and answered with looking to see who the caller was. Luckily it was her sister Sam and not her brother or father.
“Where are you?” Sam questioned.
“Uh, I had to make a stop. Why? What’s wrong?” Tracey asked.
“Nothing. I came back to your hotel room to chat a little bit and you weren’t there,” she said softly.
Tracey noticed that her sister had lowered her voice. Something was wrong. “Sam it’s me. What’s wrong? I can be there in about an hour or so,” Tracey said.
“No it’s nothing. I’ll catch up with you on the track before the race,” she said. “Honestly, I fine. Just needed a break. Catch you later sis,” said disconnecting the call.
Tracey stared at her phone. That wasn’t like her sister. She’d get to the bottom of what was going on with her later.
“Is everything all right?” she heard Shane ask.
r /> Tracey started. “I don’t know. That was my sister. She sounded troubled but of course I can’t get to her because you have me out in no man’s land,” she snapped, and was satisfied with Shane’s reddening face as he placed her keys on the counter next to her.
“Sorry,” he blushed. “Is there anything I can do?”
“Of course not. Besides, she says she’s fine. I just don’t believe her,” Tracey murmured, eyeing him.
“You do that a lot, don’t you?” Shane whispered.
“I heard you, and no I don’t. Now will you tell me what’s so hellfire important that you had to bring me out here?” she scolded.
“This,” he said pulling her into his arms and slipping his tongue into her mouth.
The move was so sudden that the only thing she could do was wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him back. She drank from him as if he were her last drink of water. The kiss was potent. Shane’s kisses always were. Tracey groaned at the feel of his hands cupping her butt and pulling her into his erection. Her arms tightened around his neck. The kiss went on and on…both of them breathing heavy. Tracey was the first to break the kiss.
“Shane, we can’t,” she said, dislodging her arms from around his neck and trying to step away from him. Evidently Shane wasn’t having it because he tightened his grip on her butt.
“Why the hell not?” he groaned.
“Because we agreed,” she started.
“No, sugar that was you,” he stressed clearly irritated.
“You agreed, Shane. I don’t need any distractions from the race,” she sulked.
“Explain to me how making love will be a distraction from racing?” he asked.
“Really? Are you going there?” she retorted.
“The way I see it is, if I put it on you real good, you’ll be more motivated to win. Right?” He quirked an eyebrow up.
“Put it on me,” Tracey stuttered. “Seriously? You pompous ass.”
“Okay you can put it on me real good,” he corrected. “There. Is that better?”
Tracey opened and closed her mouth, but no sound came out.
“Okay how about we eat, talk and maybe watch a movie and we’ll go from there,” he asked.
She eyed him suspiciously.
“Honest. I just want to spend some time with you and if this is the only way I can, then so be it. For now,” he added.
“Okay if you promise no touching,” she said.
“I can’t do that. I said no sex…yet. Well, I implied no sex. However, I like holding you so no promises in that regard,” he protested.
“Touching leads to sex, Shane,” she said.
“Not necessarily. Depends on what I’m touching. Come on, Tracey,” he chided “Let’s just enjoy each other’s company without being under a microscope.”
“Okay,” she sighed looking into his eyes.
“Thank you,” he whispered and then planted one last kiss on her lips before releasing her. “Come on; let’s raid the kitchen to see what we can find that’s edible.”
“You mean to tell me you have this monstrous kitchen and you can’t cook?” She eyed him with disbelief.
“Of course I can cook. I never have time to, really, but I can. I haven’t been here for a few weeks so I have no idea what’s in the icebox,” he said, releasing her hand and opening the freezer. “Ahhah.”
“What?” she asked peeking in the freezer trying to see what Shane was looking at.
“The folks left some chopped barbeque,” he smiled. “This will hold us over until suppertime. You do like barbeque, right?”
“Of course I like barbeque. I’ve eaten it with you hundreds of times,” she said.
“Suga’ you women are always on some diet or another, just wanted to be sure. I’ll nuke this and we can have some barbeque and soda pop,” he said.
“Sounds good to me,” she said eyeing him. He was putting a big container in the microwave. “You’re going to microwave all of that?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he chuckled. “Trust me. It won’t go to waste.”
“That’s an awful lot Shane. The two of us will never be able to finish off all of that barbeque.”
“We’ll see,” he said. “Have a seat at the island over there and I’ll get the bread, chips, and pop.”
Tracey chuckled.
“What’s so funny?” he asked.
“You. Your southern really comes out sometimes. Not the drawl, but the real southern part of you,” she chuckled.
“What can I say? I’m southern at heart.” He smiled.
“I like that about you,” she said.
“What? That I’m southern?” he asked.
“No that you don’t change who you are for anyone. You’re always the same,” she sighed.
“As I should be.” He eyed her. “Come here, sugar.”
Tracey waited for him to put his ingredients down before walking over to him.
“Don’t ever let anybody stop you from being who you want to be, including me. It’s not worth it. You’ll never be happy being what and who someone else wants you to be,” he said squeezing her tight against his frame.
“That’s easier said than done,” she sighed. “I just feel as if I’ve had to fight for everything and with almost everyone.”
“Answer me this. Are you doing what you want to be doing?” he asked.
“Yes, very much so,” she whispered. “I’ve always wanted to race. I started off in an office and hated it. Who knows, maybe later I’ll change my mind and sit behind a desk but for now this is what I want to do. I’m not great at it but I’m good. I want to be better.”
“And you will be. Forget all the haters and do what you love doing. Just as long as it include me, I’m good.” He chuckled. “Now, let’s eat before I take a bite out of you.”
“I didn’t know you were into kink, Shane,” she teased.
“Well darlin’ you will find out soon enough,” was his retort.
Tracey stood there with her mouth open.
“Close your mouth and let’s get these plates fixed. I’m hungry,” he kidded.
They worked together fixing their plates and ate in silence. Tracey watched Shane polish off three barbeque sandwiches and chips.
“Shane how are you going to eat dinner when you just ate three sandwiches?” she asked.
“I’m a man, not a boy. I eat real food and lots of it. I am broiling a steak for dinner. Unless there’s something else you’d like to have.”
“No, steak is fine. Although I really don’t think I’ll be able to eat another bite for the rest of the day. I am stuffed,” she said rubbing her stomach.
“You ate one sandwich and a handful of chips and you’re still sipping that itty bitty cola,” he laughed.
“Stop laughing at me. I had a big breakfast.” She blushed.
“You mean after I left,” he smirked.
“Yes, my family showed up, we fought, and then they bought me food,” she said.
“Really? I take it your father and brother were not happy with this morning’s news reports,” he griped.
“Daddy really didn’t say much other than that we’d talk later. Declan, on the other hand, had a lot of nothing to say,” she mumbled. “Don’t worry. I managed to convince them that we didn’t sleep together. However, I don’t think my mother believed me.”
“I’m not worried. I couldn’t care less if they knew. My only concern is you. No disrespect, but if it weren’t for the fact that I know it would break your heart, I’d tell your brother and anyone else that had something to say about us being together to kiss my ass,” Shane stated and then laughed at her look of outrage.
“We’re not together, Shane,” she protested, but she couldn’t help but be pleased that he would stand up for her like that. Sometimes she felt as if her sister was her only ally.
“We are together. You just don’t want to admit it. But you will.” He declared.
“Don’t sound so confident. It’s not going to happen,” she s
aid weakly.
“I am confident. I am more than confident. I’m real damn sure. So get used to us being together. Remember, after the races finish all bets are off and you are mine, full stop,” he said.
“I thought we were going to watch movies,” she said changing the subject.
“We are. Come on. Follow me to the media room,” he said. Then he added, “Change the subject all you want. It doesn’t change the fact that we will be together sweetness.”
He led Tracey through the house and into a large room with rows of movie theatre seating with a huge projection screen.
“Nice,” she said.
“I love to watch movies. Do you have something in particular you want to watch?” he asked. “I have just about everything.”
“Let’s watch a comedy and go from there,” she said, smiling.
They settled on a variety of movies. Three hours later Shane put the steaks in the broiler along with a few potatoes. Shane settled her into the family room with the Syfy channel playing while he cooked. Tracey yawned. Boy, she was tired. It had been a long day. She’d removed her shoes a while ago and now had her feet propped up on the overstuffed leather sofa. Tracey’s eyes grew heavy as she watched the television screen. “Goodness everything in this house is big. Just how many big screen televisions does one need? Geez,” she grumbled before falling off to sleep.
Shane walked into the family room to find Tracey fast asleep on the sofa. Smiling he sat next to her, lifting her up. She mumbled something unintelligible, and Shane chuckled softly as he settled them both more comfortable on the sofa.
“Sleep tight darlin’,” Shane smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead.
“Umm,” she murmured fidgeting against him.
“Oh damn,” he moaned. “This is going to be one long night.”
Shane watched the people on the television screen without really watching the TV. He was in an uncomfortable position. Tracey was squirming around as if she were having a hard time in her sleep. Shane didn’t know what was going on in her head; however, he did know that if she didn’t stop moving so much he would definitely blow a load where he lay and his lady love would wake up to one big wet surprise.
Pulling in deep breaths Shane tried to get his libido under control. As much as he wanted Tracey at the moment, Shane knew he’d have to wait until she gave herself willingly. Like at the hotel, he thought, and then smiled at the remembrance.